How to Fit into One Carry-on Suitcase for International Travel?
To fit into one carry-on suitcase for international travel you must choose the right suitcase, bring a backpack, and optimize space in your suitcase. The travel packing hacks below will help you fit into one carry-on suitcase based on our many years of international travel experience.
Packing light is hard. Especially when you want to look fashionable when you travel. The reality is that checking bags and multiple bags on an international trip can be a real headache. When we visited Croatia in 2019, one of our checked suitcases got lost en route. We had to live without the contents of the suitcase for an entire week. When it showed up, the large suitcase became a nightmare to handle.
We struggled to carry it up steep stairs and along cobblestone roads in Croatia. That was when we realized that we really should just travel with a carry-on suitcase during international travel. Since that time, we have traveled with a backpack and a carry-on suitcase. Travel Hack: Purchase your flight with a travel credit card that provides coverage for lost baggage. Typically they will provide up to $500.00 of reimbursables if you need to purchase clothes, underware, toiletries, and other essentials for lost baggage.

How do we pack for a two-week trip in a carry on? You will find a summary of our recommended travel packing tips below to pack for an international trip in one carry on and one backpack.
Check Airlines Carry-On Size Restrictions
With any carry-on suitcase or personal item such as a backpack, you should always make sure it fits within the airlines’ restrictions. Size and weight restrictions for several major airlines can be found at the following links:
- Aer Lingus
- AeroMexico
- Air Canada
- American Airlines
- British Airways
- Delta
- United Airlines
- Virgin Atlantic
Choosing the Right Carry-On Suitcase

Not all carry-on suitcases are equal. Travel Packing Hack: When choosing a carry-on bag, purchase a suitcase that rolls easily and has two separate compartments to pack on each side of the suitcase. This travel hack allows you to organize your suitcase strategically to use every bit of space so you don’t need to pay additional fees to check a piece of luggage or risk your checked bags not arriving at your destination. We are huge fans of Hartmann suitcases. Part of that is their consumer friendly warranty, but Hartmann also makes durable, well-built travel suitcases and carry-on bags.
Carry a backpack
In addition to our carry-on suitcase, we always fly with a smaller sized backpack as our personal item allowed by the airlines. This only works if you are allowed to have a personal item in addition to your suitcase on the flight. Make sure to check with your airline to ensure that a personal item is included in the price of your ticket. Most airlines require that your personal item fit under the seat so you will want to be sure your backpack has that ability. Travel packing hack: If you plan to bring a purse, make sure it fits in your backpack. Otherwise it could count as a third item and the airline could charge you additional fees or make you check a carry-on bag.
A backpack can serve two purposes. It is an extra place to pack items for your trip, and once you arrive at your destination, you can utilize it as a day backpack for hiking, beach days, hikes, and any other excursions. Travel packing hack: Place all of your “must haves and cannot live without items” in your carry-on backpack. This typically includes contact lenses, glasses, makeup, essential medications, wallet, passport, and at least one change of clothes.
Our current favorite carry-on backpack is Patagonia Black Hole backpack. It comes in 32L and 25L.
Maximize Space with Packing Cubes

The use of packing cubes is a must for international travel packing. Packing cubes for suitcases make a difference in how much you can fit in your carry-on suitcase or backpack. But you need the right packing cubes to make that difference. Most packing cubes expand with the use of zippers. Place your clothes inside the unzipped, expanded packing cube. Once you have placed all of your clothes in the cube, press down on the clothes, and zip both sets of zippers. This compresses your clothes into a much more dense and compact cube. We find the best packing cubes are those that allow you to zip from both sides of the cube versus one side. This makes it easier to press all those clothes down when you zip it up.
There are lots of options at various price points out there for packing cubes for suitcases. We ordered multiple sets of different colors so that we had the ability to use different sizes and can tell each other’s packing cubes apart. Travel packing hack: Roll your clothes up like a burrito. This method allows your clothes to compress, saving critical space in your carry-on suitcase or backpack.
Shoe Packing Tips
I love shoes, but they take up a lot of room in your suitcase or backpack. Plan your outfits several weeks before you travel. Be realistic about what you are going to wear on your trip. Don’t pack heels unless you really need them and avoid chunky shoes where possible.
Travel packing hack: If traveling with bulky shoes wear them on your flight to avoid them taking up much needed space in your suitcase. I typically try to limit my shoes to three or four pairs. That includes the pair I wear on the flight. This is usually one pair of tennis shoes, a pair of flip flops, flats, and one additional pair of shoes consistent with what I think I will wear most given the destination.
Clothing Selection Strategy
Simplicity in colors when packing for international travel is vital. I start by selecting a base color. This is usually black or navy. And then I coordinate my outfits around the selected base color. This allows me to mix and match every piece of clothing I have with something else to make multiple outfits.
Travel packing hack: While I love prints and loud pieces, I tend to limit those in my suitcase. Prints and loud pieces are more memorable and harder to get away with wearing more than once or twice. If you are going to fit your clothes into a carry-on, you have to be prepared to wear items more than once.
The Importance of Versatility
If you are only willing to wear it once, don’t pack it. While that super stylish dress may look amazing, if you are only going to get one wear out of it don’t take it. Look for clothing that is versatile and specific for travel. For example, Diane Kroe specializes in clothing which can be transformed into more than one outfit. I have two of her origami dresses. It not only converts into a cute dress for a night out, but can also be worn as a skirt, a top and more than one type of dress. This dress also comes in odor resistant fabric which helps when you intend to wear it multiple times.
Laundry Tips for Longer Trips
I personally try to avoid doing laundry on vacation, but my husband almost always does one load of laundry in the middle of our longer trips. This allows him to pack less and have clean clothes mid trip. Most hotels offer overnight laundry and folding services, but you may also have access to do it yourself in a vacation rental or at a laundromat. Try to plan out the where you will have access to laundry services or facilities during your trip, and be block out the time needed to wash your clothes.
Making the Most of Every Inch
Don’t let space go to waste in your suitcase. For example, pack items in your shoes. Shoes can easily hold socks, underwear, and other small items. It doesn’t seem like a lot, but when you are trying to pack for two weeks, little things can make a big difference.
Pack Small Travel Sized Items
Eliminate bulky items by purchasing them in small travel sizes or using travel containers. You simply don’t need to take a full bottle of shampoo with you for two weeks. I use my travel as an opportunity to try out new hair products by traveling with the sample sizes. There are numerous items that can be reduced to a smaller size including your make-up. I always save sample moisturizers I get from Ulta to travel with and reduce space. It also prevents me from worrying about leaving or breaking my expensive skin care glass or ceramic containers while traveling.
I hope the travel packing tips above help you become a more efficient packer. We have found the more we plan our suitcase packing on the front end, the better results we get during our actual trip.
If you have carry-on packing essential tips that you use when you travel internationally, please add your travel packing hacks to the comments section below this article. Read our article How to Commit to Taking an International Trip Every Year for more essential international travel tips.