Top 10 Thrilling Hiking Trails Around the World


For those whose hearts beat a little faster at the thought of a thrilling adventure, a breathtaking landscape, or the sheer joy of the outdoors, we have compiled a list of the most exhilarating hiking trails around the globe. Each of these treks is not just a journey through some of the world’s most awe-inspiring terrains but a testament to human endurance and the call of the wild. This list takes you on a journey from the towering peaks of the Himalayas to the stunning fjords of New Zealand, from the dense rainforests of Australia to the icy glaciers of Sweden. Let’s embark on this thrilling adventure.

1. The Inca Trail, Peru

Embark on a journey through time with the Inca Trail. Spanning 26 miles and culminating at the mystical ruins of Machu Picchu, this trail takes you through varied terrain, including rugged mountain landscapes, lush cloud forests, and subtropical jungles. En route, you will encounter numerous ruins, painting a picture of the rich Incan civilization. The four-day hike is a physical challenge but the sight of the “Lost City of the Incas” emerging from the early morning mist is a moment you’ll cherish forever. Our best friends did the 4-day through hike of the Inca Trail ending at Machu Picchu. It was a challenge, but they had the experience of a lifetime.

2. Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Towering over the plains of Tanzania, Mount Kilimanjaro is Africa’s highest peak. The mountain offers a range of routes to suit all levels of hikers, but even the easiest path can be a significant challenge due to the extreme altitude. The climb takes you from tropical jungles to arctic conditions near the summit, with the terrain changing dramatically each day. As you conquer this giant, you are greeted with sweeping vistas stretching out to the savannah below.

3. The Pacific Crest Trail, USA

Encompassing a wide array of landscapes, the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) spans 2,650 miles from Mexico to Canada. Whether it’s traversing the scorching deserts of Southern California, the lush green forests of Oregon, or the rugged mountains in the Sierra Nevada, the PCT guarantees a truly immersive experience. Be prepared to spend several months on the trail if you plan to complete the whole length, encountering the diverse beauty of the American west coast and the life-changing introspection long hikes inspire.

4. Everest Base Camp, Nepal

A  challenging trek, Everest Base Camp, is not for the faint-hearted. Winding through some of the world’s highest peaks in the Nepalese Himalayas, the two-week journey offers stunning panoramas of the Everest region and an insightful experience of Sherpa culture. You’ll pass Buddhist monasteries, cross glacial rivers, and walk along paths where prayer flags flutter in the wind. Although you aren’t summiting the Everest, reaching its base camp at over 17,500 feet is an achievement in itself.

5. The Overland Track, Australia

In the heart of Tasmania lies the Overland Track, a six-day, 40-mile journey through the Cradle Mountain-Lake St. Clair National Park. From moss-covered ancient rainforests to high alpine meadows, the landscapes are incredibly varied and stunning. Highlights include the majestic waterfalls, mirrored lakes, abundant wildlife, and the imposing Cradle Mountain. Each day on the track brings a new adventure and a new landscape to marvel at.

6. Tour du Mont Blanc, Europe

The Tour du Mont Blanc is a unique multi-day hike that crosses three countries: France, Italy, and Switzerland. This 110-mile trail circumnavigates the Mont Blanc Massif and boasts stunning alpine views, picturesque villages, and diverse flora and fauna. Each day’s journey ends in a different country, providing a truly multicultural hiking experience. From the beautiful meadows in Switzerland to the delicious cuisine in Italy, the Tour du Mont Blanc is an adventure not just for the body, but for the senses too.

7. The Milford Track, New Zealand

In the southwest corner of New Zealand’s South Island lies the Milford Track, a trail that has been wowing hikers for over a century. The 33-mile hike takes four days, during which you traverse suspension bridges, boardwalks, and a mountain pass. Expect to encounter emerald green forests, sky-scraping peaks, and sapphire-blue lakes. And of course, there’s the dramatic climax – the spectacular Sutherland Falls, the tallest waterfall in New Zealand.

8. The Kungsleden, Sweden

The Kungsleden, or ‘The King’s Trail’, is a 275-mile path in Swedish Lapland, one of Europe’s last and largest remaining wilderness areas. As you hike through the arctic tundra, birch forests, and past tranquil mountain lakes, you might even catch sight of the Northern Lights, adding an otherworldly touch to your adventure. It’s also an excellent place for wildlife spotting, with reindeer, moose, and Arctic foxes calling this area home.

9. The W Trek, Chile

The W Trek in Torres del Paine National Park in Chile takes you through some of the most stunning scenery in South America. The trail is named after its ‘W’ shape, and over four to five days, you will hike past jagged mountains, azure lakes, and gigantic glaciers. The climax of the trek is the breathtaking view of the Torres del Paine – the three granite towers from which the park gets its name.

10. The John Muir Trail, USA

Last on our list is the John Muir Trail, a 211-mile trail in California that takes you through three national parks: Yosemite, Kings Canyon, and Sequoia. The path is a paradise for nature lovers, boasting alpine and subalpine ecosystems, a myriad of wildlife, and a plethora of lakes and streams. The grand finale is Mount Whitney, the highest peak in the contiguous United States.


While these hikes are thrilling and fulfilling, they are also demanding and require a certain level of fitness and preparation. If you’re new to long-distance hikes, we recommend starting with the Milford Track in New Zealand. This trail offers a balanced mix of beauty and challenge, making it an ideal starting point for beginners. Once you’ve conquered the Milford, you’ll feel ready to tackle the other exhilarating trails on this list. Happy hiking, and may your adventures be many and your memories unforgettable.


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.

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